Workplace for binding art forms
Atlier van het Zuiden

Welcome to the Atelier van het Zuiden

The Atelier van het Zuiden is a workplace, located in the centre of Oosterhout. Its aims is to explore how connections can be made between divided elements in a polarizing reality. The notion of ‘proportions’ is central here.

Centrum 1795

One of the initiatives of the Atelier van het Zuiden is the establishment of Centrum 1795. The centre tells about the emergence of our modern democratic constitutional state. To this end, it organizes an exhibition about the Netherland and Belgian Revolution at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. The exhibition can be viewed every Friday to Sunday in the building at Heuvel 2 in Oosterhout. More information can be found on the website of Centrum 1795:

Syrian restaurant Smikkelen & Smullen

Since 2020, the Atelier van het Zuiden has been working together with the Syrian restaurant Smikkelen & Smullen, located on the ground floor of the building at Heuvel 2 in Oosterhout.

For an impression of the restaurant and the Syrian cuisine:

Smikkelen & Smullen

Feel free to come by, or inform via...

Address atelier
Heuvel 2
4901 KC Oosterhout (NB)
the Netherlands

+31 (0)6 18067835
